Sunday, April 25, 2010


My reaction to the Read-a-Thon was a pleasant surprise. Before I arrived my assumption was that the mandatory classroom attendance for this event meant it would be painful to sit through. So painful, that I would come 3 minutes late and leave exactly 57 minutes later. Luckily that was not the case. It was a beautiful day where beautiful words were read. In fact, I might even say the Read-a-Thon was moving. The poems, excerpts, and stories that were told impressed me. My most favorite works were the originals; the girl's chapter from the novel she was working on was amazing and the performance poem a boy recited from memory was so energetic, it was great. I ended up staying for nearly 2 hours and left mostly because the tan I was getting from that sunny day was soon turning into a burn. Had that ben different I would have stuck around until all the readers had finished.
The Read-a-Thon made me think more seriously about my own creative writing. Since then i've stopped neglecting it. I also now have an interest in attending a creative writing club meeting.
I think the Read-a-Thon was a nice addition to the class schedule and I would like to have more activities like that one!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Collyn - I'm glad you were pleasantly surprised - I agree that the one performance you describe without notes was amazing - the tradition of poetry that's meant to be *performed* as well as read is one tradition that the Nuyorican cafe helped foster.

    I always think a successful reading is one that makes you want to go write - I'd love to see you at the club - wednesdays at 2-4 in M137.
